Our Service to the Farmer / Ons Diens aan die Boer

As Market Agents we act on behalf of a principal (the producer), by selling the principal’s produce to buyers such as wholesalers, retailers and members of the public. We operate on the Tshwane Fresh Produce market in Pretoria.
Prices of fresh produce is not predetermined but discovered in terms of the supply and demand principle.
As is required by law, we are registered at The Agricultural Produce Agents Council (APAC) and are in possession of a valid Fidelity Fund Certificate. Sales money received is paid into a trust account.
Our objective is to provide an unprecedented professional service to our producers. We believe that building mutually beneficial long-term partnerships with our key suppliers and contractors is important to our success.

Download Fresh Produce - Service Level Agreement (PDF)

Noordvaal Market Agents’ services to producers

  1. We sell your product daily on the Tshwane Fresh Produce Market.
  2. Your product is sold at the best price that can be obtained.
  3. Our staff members boast years of experience in the marketing of fresh produce.
  4. We provide advice on all your marketing needs and we can also provide input regarding the storing and packaging of fresh produce.
  5. We encourage and believe in personal interaction with our producers.
  6. Our administration makes enquiries easy and ensures accurate and timely payments.
  7. For your safety all payments are deposited into a trust account.
Our Service to the Farmer

Protocol to assist producers with their administration

Business Process (information for the farmer, how to send, how to pack, how to mark produce, etc.)

How / where do I register my farm with the market agent?

To register, a producer needs to contact the relevant market’s administration and arrange a PRODUCER ID. A producer ID is the unique number that will be used for the receiving and recording of stock, and payment of all consignments. This number needs to be indicated on all the delivery documentation and correspondence.
Producers also need to inform Noordvaal administration office (info@noordvaal.co.za) that you are planning to deliver produce. You will be required to provide your banking details for the payment of proceeds from the sales of your produce.

How do I mark my produce?

Requirements for containers:
Containers in which fresh vegetables are packed shall be:

  • Intact, clean, suitable and strong
  • Not impart a taste or odour
  • Be free from foreign matter

In the case of containers that are re-used:

  • Use materials that can be cleaned and disinfected (container material)
  • They should be clean

Same quality, cultivar and size shall be packed together in the same container.
Vegetables in the same container shall be uniform.
Different types of fresh vegetables may be packed together in the case of consumer packages.
The visible part of the contents shall be representative of the entire contents.
Each container shall be packed firmly and to capacity.
Markings should be clear and in legible block letters and the marking should be grouped on the same side with the following:

  • Name or Trademark
  • Physical or postal address
  • Class
  • Total number of consumer packages
  • Nett mass
  • Name of type of vegetable if contents not visible
  • In case of loose quantities, class, size group and country of origin shall be indicated on a notice board
  • In the case where containers are packed in carrier or bulk containers, each carrier container shall be marked with the above-mentioned markings and the number of containers.

The following regulations were published by the Department of Agriculture.
Objective of the Regulations

  • To provide an objective approach towards establishing effective and practical quality norms.
  • Through product classification and/or grading, consumer confidence is encouraged.
  • The trade is able to purchase specified quality products over time and distance.
  • Allow for greater market transparency.
  • Provision of a consistent quality when purchasing a specific grade or class.
  • Competition on an equal footing with imported products.

The regulation comprises the following sections:

  • Quality specification (Grading)
  • Containers
  • Packing and Marking Requirements
  • Sampling Procedures
  • Methods of inspection

All growers need to HAVE A REGISTERED PUC/PHC Code:
Contact person for FBO/PUC codes:
Bernard Magagula
Tel: 012 319 6512
Mobile: 084 468 1667

What is a GRN?

GRN stands for ‘Goods Received Note’ (Also called a consignment number).
This is a unique number allocated by the system for each product line on the producer’s delivery note. All payments and deductions from the floor are recorded against this number. It is very important to provide this number with all queries about sales and payments.

Our Service to the Farmer
What is an Account Sale?

An Account Sale is the tax invoice documenting the full transaction history from receiving of produce to final payment. Account Sales are valid tax invoices. Producers can subscribe to www.technofresh.co.za to receive their account sales electronically. Producers can also receive their data electronically.

Where do I get average prices of the market’s sales?

Producers can contact their salesperson and request market information.
Producers can also subscribe to www.technofresh.co.za for market averages.

How do I know what my stock balances are?

The salesmen responsible for the producers’ stock must communicate openly with their producers. Each salesman sends a daily summary of sales to producers via fax or email.

PUC CODES: All growers need to HAVE A REGISTERED PUC Code

Please take note of the following important information relating to marking requirements.
1) PUC CODES: All growers need to HAVE A REGISTERED PUC Code:

Mrs Tebogo Chipane Tel. (012) 3196070 E-mail: TebogoC@daff.gov.za
Mrs Ansie Els Tel. (012) 3196387 E-mail: AnsieE@daff.gov.za
Mr Sidney Setlelele Tel. (012) 3196018 E-mail: MarutlaS@daff.gov.za
Mr Bernard Magagula Tel. (012) 3196512 E-mail: BernardMa@daff.gov.za

FAX: (012) 3196265 / 3196055
E-MAIL: codes@daff.gov.za


  • Select Local and Import Regulations
  • Select Vegetables or Deciduous Fruit

Markings should be clear and in legible block letters and the marking should be grouped
on the same side with the following:

  • Name or Trademark
  • Physical or postal address
  • Class
  • Total number of consumer packages
  • Net mass
  • Name of type of vegetable if contents not visible
  • Producer’s code or Packhouse’ s code (PUC code)

Please note that all product inspected for EXPORT will have to have a quality inspection certificate
(E-GAP and or any other certification)

Laws and By-Laws / Wette en By-Wette

The Act and Rules / Die Wet en Regulasies

The Agricultural Produce Agents Council was established by Section 2 of the Agricultural Produce Agents Act (Act 12 of 1992), as amended by the Agricultural Produce Agents Amendment Act, No. 47 of 2003.
The Rules in respect of Fresh Produce Agents, Export Agents and Livestock Agents are issued in terms of Section 10 of the Agricultural Produce Agents Act, Act 12 of 1992.

Agricultural Produce Agents Act 1992 (PDF) Agricultural Produce Agents Amendment Act 2003 (PDF) Rules in respect of Fresh Produce Agents (PDF)


Have a question? We will get back to you.

    Our Service to the Farmer
    Our Service to the Farmer

    City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality (Tshwane) By-Laws


    Market Statistics / Mark Statistiek

    Information and Links / Inligting en Skakels

    Noordvaal contributes its success to hard work and associating with the right people. We are proud to be associated with the major industry roleplayers.


    TechnoFresh (Pty) Ltd was established in 2002 to deliver available, accurate and reliable information to the Fresh Produce Industry through Information and Communication Technology (ICT). In doing so they are empowering Producers, Markets and Market Agents to take full advantage of the information that exists on Fresh Produce Markets.
    For more information: www.technofresh.co.za

    The Agricultural Produce Agents Council (APAC)

    The Agricultural Produce Agents Council (APAC) plays an important role in agriculture since 1993. APAC has been instituted by law to regulate the occupations of fresh produce and livestock agents, as well as export agents as from 2003.
    For more information: https://www.apacweb.org.za/

    Potatoes South Africa (PSA)

    Potatoes South Africa, (PSA), is the official representative of the potato producers in South Africa. Their main object is to serve, protect and promote the interests of the South African potato industry.Potatoes South Africa is a Non-profit company registered under the Companies Act 71, 2008 (Act 71 of 2008).
    For more information: http://www.potatoes.co.za/

    Tamatieprodusente-organisasie (TPO)

    The TPO as a voluntary producers’ organisation aspires to act as a mouthpiece for the producers of fresh tomatoes in South Africa.

    For more information: http://tomatoessa.org/

    PROKON - Product Control for Agriculture

    Product Control for Agriculture (Prokon) is a non-profit company in terms of the Companies Act that renders a comprehensive quality assurance, product management and grading service to the South African fresh produce industry, thereby ensuring trust in National Fresh Produce Markets.
    For more information: http://prokonsa.co.za/

    The Institute of Market Agents of South Africa (IMASA)

    The Institute of Market Agents of South Africa was founded in Bloemfontein in 1945 as the official organisation to represent Market Agents in South Africa.
    For more information: https://www.facebook.com/IMASouthAfrica

    Noordvaal Market Agents